I just want to write. I don't know why, but I am glad that I do. Too often I don't feel like it, or I am too lazy if I do feel like it. Thankfully I am stuck on a plane to one of the most pointless cities in our land, Orlando, and I'm not tired. I don't understand why you’d create an enormous city, put up tons of tourist attractions, and loads of restaurants in a city in Florida that is NOT on the beach. The whole concept just escapes me, probably always will, but hey at least I'm just visiting.
I just finished a great book, there were some small morals to the story, but it was written to entertain people, and I was entertained. It was my wife's book and every time I saw her reading it she was laughing, so I obviously wanted to know what was so funny, so I read it. It was funny, I don't know if it was as funny to me as it was to her because I saw her laugh very hard many times at many different parts and I don’t know if I laughed as hard as she did once throughout reading it. The story kept me though, which is more than I can say about most books I try and read. I've got about 15 books on my lovely IKEA bookshelf at home that I've started, at least once, and have yet to complete. I don't know what it is about reading and me but if I'm not hooked right away I might not be hooked at all and the chances of me finishing fall between probably not and definitely not. Who knows why that happens, maybe I'm just a dude with a short attention span and a propensity to only read magazine and newspaper articles. I probably read for about an hour a day, but where most people would knock out a certain percentage of a book in that time, I read 20 different articles on sports, politics, celebrities, England, Nashville, and whatever else I seem to be fancying that morning.
I'm not sure what I'm thinking about my blog these days. My main man mattgrace bailed on his and since I don't think there is even anyone that reads this thing, I don't know why I still like to write on it every now and again, but I do, maybe it’s just like my journal without the writing, the leather binding or the gold page marker thingee, who knows.
So I talked to a dude who helped lead me to Christ thanks to my ultra-cool verizon aircard while I was in the airport. He was one of the leaders with the group that hosted the conference where I accepted Christ. The guy is solid as a rock and to this day someone I would consider a great friend, even though I haven’t seen him in years. He actually lives in Orlando and when I saw his name pop up on my buddy list I thought I might get to see him, but wouldn’t you know it, he’s in Vancouver, BC for a conference this week. I guess I'll just have to kick it in tourist trap, USA solo for the night tomorrow, but I'll probably live.
Well I don't have much else to say for the ole blog right now. Life is pretty swell. The new job is treating me as good as it could be. I realize that even know though, the desire to work for myself has truly shown itself. I see that now, even though I have an amazing job, working for a boss who truly believes in me, in a position where a significant raise could be on the horizon, working on a project that has visibility to the highest of levels not just within my parent company, but to the media conglomerate that own them…despite all of that, the idea of working for me and nobody else continues to flow through my dome. I realize that working for other people is all well and good, but the only way to truly escape the frustrations of working for someone else, is to not work for anyone else. Hopefully at some point the opportunity to bridge the gap from employee to entrepreneur presents itself, but until then I'll keep doing what I’m doing. My energy and passion that I was often told to quell in the past is what will allow me to succeed in my current job, so I’m pretty jacked about that. There is something to be said if you are round peg who was stuck in a triangular hole for a while, then a square hole, now your are in a round hole and it’s nice to be there. Then you realize, you don’t want to be a peg on someone else’s board you want to be the peg board, you want to have your own board that you designed and that you fill with as many or few pegs as you’d like. That is the realization I’m starting to arrive at and it’s a great realization, which presents a long and difficult road ahead….I'll keep whoever’s reading posted….out….yeah I was doing that before seacrest, so I'm claiming it as mine, and if someone else did it before me, they can have it, as long as he doesn’t get it I'm satisfied…