Thursday, January 08, 2004
RIP Anthony Davenport, you are already dearly missed, and your legacy will go for generations. Thanks for the
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
In a stunning move my work actually did something good for me. I was told yesterday that there was a possibility of me being asked to do an even lower position than the one I’m currently doing. I have nothing wrong with any of the positions and I think that the people that do them are all hard working good people, many of them just don’t offer the types of challenges I’m looking for, let me just get that out there before I continue. Well in a move that is probably as surprising to me as the fools who saw the dudes getting out of the Trojan horse, I got a new position. I have now moved all the way, I hope you are sitting down, to Account Manager. Oh my gosh!!!! I know I know, you’re probably crying at this point, well stop, it’s not that big of a deal. While it is nice to get something good from my work, this is where the real work begins.
I will handle a new client that is about to come on board. The cool thing about the job is that this will be our first client that uses every single one of our services, and wouldn’t you know it, who has experience in all of our departments, me. So I’m excited about this position, I think it’ll allow me to finally prove to the brass here that I am as smart as they’ve heard, and I can do more than they think, so I’m very excited about that opportunity, and I’ll get to travel to NYC, and if that isn’t the coolest freaking thing ever, well if you don’t think going there is cool you aren’t allowed to read my blog anymore.
This client, who shall remain nameless, at least until I hate them or quit, is one of the largest financial institutions in the world, and needless to say, the potential for my company is great.
The only crappy thing about the whole deal is that this is the second year in a row where I have been moments away from taking the box under my desk, loading up my stuff and never looking back, and then they plop something like this on my plate. I don’t know if they are giving me just enough to keep me around for future success, or if they are more like a crack dealer, giving me just enough free fixes where I stay around and instead of taking my money they are taking all my young and vibrant working years, I guess only time will tell. It’s funny I was talking to the coolest person I know yesterday, my wife, and she was telling me as I war in a tirade about my work that there was a master plan and I just needed to have faith. I told her that my master plan involved throwing my companies lap top back through a window, hopefully catching this guy in the head and causing him to bleed all over himself. Needless to say, God’s plan proved to be better, again. What’s so funny is I was fuming about my job and the headache I have from staring at Excel all day and copying and pasting. I allotted myself a break long enough to go to the restroom and while I was in there I just thought of God’s Amazing Grace, wow, it’s awesome just to write such great words. I prayed that I could have Grace towards my company. I don’t know how you have grace towards an organization, but I need to show it to this, wouldn’t you know it, less than an hour later I was told about this new opportunity.
I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m treating God like an ATM, because that is not my intention in writing this, and that wasn’t even the intention of my prayer. It’s amazing that I prayed in the bathroom for God to just show me a way to show them some Grace, and the way he does that is by giving me something I’ve been asking for since I walked in the door here. Wow, can you imagine what it’s like to be able to plan things out so they always worked out in such a cool way.
Well I’ve got to finish this hellish Excel sheet, but I do it with a renewed sense of encouragement, oh yeah, want to hear something else cool, Natalie just got a meeting request, and one of the fifteen richest people in America was copied on it too, I know it’s not a big deal, but it’s still kind of cool that he’ll open his Inbox and see her name on the email/meeting request…later….af
Well my work is lamer than ever, but why waste this very recyclable blog space with chatter of work, if you’ve ever read this you know I work at the gates of hell and would love to get out, but for now, here I sit. So lets talk about some other things:
First off, if you are reading this and you know the power of God, please pray for it to show itself big time in the life of Tony Davenport. Tony is a friend and former teacher from Northwood, where I obtained my ‘university’ education. He was the professor on the Term in Europe that Natalie and I met on and he is an amazing man. I am not sure if he knows the Lord, but if not, he knows a heck a lot about Him. Either way, Tony is in dire straights as Pancreatic Cancer has stricken his body and taken over very quickly. He is lying at home under the care of hospice. Pray that he can be pain free and please pray for his family, I’m not really sure how you pray for someone who’s father/husband is dying, it’s not going to be ok, and they aren’t going to feel ok, so I don’t really know the right prayer, but I just know they need it.
While we are on the topic of professors, we can discuss my other favorite teacher for Northwood, Mr. Moots. We were lucky enough to see Mr. Moots this past Friday night and had a lovely dinner with him. The guy is one of the smartest guys I’ve ever known. His theories and philosophies on life are not only inspirational, but they are challenging and they do not make the path of life the easiest to travel, but I do believe they may be the most rewarding. Mr. Moots is not only a devoted Christian, but he is a devoted thinker. He thinks about and analyzes everything, it’s quite remarkable. I think we all think about everything, but trust me, we don’t all think about things to the level he does, if we did, our world wouldn’t have about 90% of the problems we do. He is still a man, full of sin, not deserving of grace, but it’s his admission of that that makes him all the more of a man I truly respect and admire.
Married life for those of you that are wondering is awesome. Last night was tough though. Natalie wasn’t feeling very good and I was called into husband action. Husband action involves, getting things for her, pampering her, showing her lots of affection and generally just pampering her because she didn’t feel good. It’s tough duty, to think when this person is sick; nobody else is going to take care of them, except you. It’s cool to have someone rely on you, to depend on you, to need you that is of course unless you want to watch the Nuggets versus Spurs game. Natalie of course won out, but I definitely felt a little convicted that I truly am a selfish jerk who’d rather watch a basketball game than take care of my wife. To any unmarried men out there reading this, try to marry up, I did, I can’t believe I married so far up, that would put up with crap like that, but I guess I lucked out.
Well I’ve got more copying and pasting to do, oh I mean I have work to do, so I’d better get back to that. I wish all my readers, who I can count on ½ a hand, the best in the New Year…out…af