Well my life continues. This has been a really weird week for me. I am aggressively pursuing opportunities to start a new job, so if you are reading this and know any executives that need a bright young whippersnapper (did you know whippersnapper is one word, neither did I until spell check just told me) to take under their wing, send them my way. I am still struggling with how to “properly” react to the loss of my dear friend Tony Davenport. It doesn’t make sense why a guy that had such an impact on so many students dies when he’s still got so much life in him, and so many lessons to teach, but I do know that God’s wisdom is greater than mine, so I am called to trust that.
Trust has definitely been a topic of conversation I’ve been having with a friend, in addition to having constant conversations with myself about Trust. What is trust, whom do I trust, and above all, do I trust God with everything I’ve got. Trust is hard, I trust some people too much and others not enough, and I definitely don’t trust God with ½ of the things I should – my bad. I have just felt this incredible tugging lately to really step up and take some big steps in my faith and after talking to my pastor yesterday that opportunity may be preventing itself.
There is a group of men at my church taking part in an intense six-month study at leadership within the church. The coolest part of this opportunity is that other than really feeling like I could gain some invaluable tools for my faith and continue to grow within the fellowship of my church body, I feel like this will present me with challenges and truths in my faith that haven’t been faced in a long time, if ever. Another cool thing I was asked by my pastor yesterday is to discuss the prospect of joining this group with my wife because of the time commitment. I love the way that he is always steering me back to her and constantly subtly reminding me that she is my priority. To have someone in your life constantly reminding you of that truth without ever telling you directly is an enormous blessing.
I had a wonderful night with three friends last night. It’s so great to have those times, and I’m slightly jealous because so many of my friends get to have those nights much more often than I do. Some of my buddies from back home now work near each other and visit often, other friends here are in jobs that are extraordinarily flexible and allow them to have schedules that are conducive to great time with friends, and still others just have more free time that I do which allows them to socialize more. I realized on my way home yesterday how important those relationships are and how I need to not only challenge myself to participate in them more, but challenge my wife to do the same. Friends are invaluable assets and I feel like both of us too often miss opportunities to build friendships that would benefit us more than we could ever see on this side of those relationships.
Well I should be getting back to work. I have had a “busy” day for me, I have been here since 6:55 (got in trouble for being late too much yesterday, imagine that I don’t like my job so I’m late all the time, pretty tough to do the math on the one) and it’s now 10:43. I’ve been at work for almost four hours and I’ve probably had 28 minutes of actual work to do, the thing is, that’s more than I’ve had in over a week! I am convinced now that the worst form of torture you could ever sentence someone to is boredom, I know because that is the world that I live in. I have to be at my desk, yet I have essentially no work to do while I sit here and one can only surf the internet so much before just wanting to throw your monitor and through the window. Much love to all my peeps in the hood, oh and if you missed the first of the two new real world episodes last night you missed a classic example of a dumb drunk girl trying to be philosophical. I’m out….af