I am supposed to be rewriting the content for my company's website right now, but I just don't freaking feel like it. I am sort of in a funk, but not really, I'm not quite sure how to feel. I just had the dream of all interviews. The hiring party, to remain hint less at this point in case you actually don't know, expressed how I was the guy. The guy told me that he would recommend me for the position to do something I love as much as anything in this world to the boss of the institution. The only problem, they don't have something for me today, or even tomorrow.
It's funny we get things in our heads and I think to a degree we just get them. If you are sitting here reading this and all of a sudden you think about one of those really good white hot chocolates that some starbucks have, or some delicious golden fries from mac d's, or even the sounds of a favorite cd in your ear, then you do what it takes to fulfill that desire and it's over. I went into my interview praying that God remind me, no matter the income, that my focus my remain on Him and my bride. I left no disappointed, slightly encouraged, and very confused. It's a weird thing hearing the guy who's hiring tell you that you are the man for the job, but also to tell you that the job can't be yours, at least right now.
Who knows maybe all my personal mind games will be gone in two weeks. Maybe this magical place will call me tomorrow and say thanks, we love you, but we love someone else just a little more, maybe they'll call and say, remember how you said in addition to doing the job you applied for you'd clean the toilets and mow the grass too, yeah well if that is still the case we'll take you. I don't know how it'll shake out, I'm supposed to get a phone call tomorrow and I really hope I do. I hope I get the opportunity to impress the boss of the place like I impressed the guy I interviewed with. I'm not being brash in saying that, I just know that I did because before I left he told me that he would be telling the boss about me and beginning the discussion by telling him that I was the man he'd like for the job.
I cannot imagine that God would put such an amazing thing in front of me, something He knows I'd love to do as much as anything else, without giving me the opportunity to have a good shot at the position. This job would be like winning the state lottery in jobs, it's not like winning a $300 million dollar powerball, because really there's nothing like that, but this could be better to me than winning $1 or $2 million, because it's something I'd love everyday.
Well my vagueness must end...I'll keep all of you, (is there two or three of you out there????)...posted on the latest development...af
p.s. I miss my wife, she left yesterday (Wednesday) and I won't see her until Sunday night...but Tiger Woods 2004 is at home to console my loneliness...