God is too good. So as any of you who read this, which at this point I'm not sure if there is anyone other than me, which is totally ok, know that I have had a rough time at work lately. I am of course describing that lightly compared to some of my vengeful posts towards my employer, well for now, those are over. No, I did not get in trouble, no, I did not find a new job, yes, I might get a new job. I met with the top dog at my company on Friday and it went surprisingly well. He and I have not had the best of relationships since he arrived about a year and a half ago, but apparently those days are behind us. He was very cool to me in the meeting and said that he has an idea for something for me. He not only said that he has an idea, but told me the area that it would be in. This is the area he is putting the most weight in for our future and the area he continually says is where our future as a company lies. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to receive such wonderful news.
I was humbled to walk out of that office. Amazed that God would grant me not with what I wanted, which was approval to pursue a job within my company in Europe (which I was granted in the same meeting), but He gave me so much more in the opportunity presented to me. Not only that, but he gave us (wife & I) another amazing blessing when Natalie found out on Thursday she'd been promoted. About a month ago Natalie was nervous that a co-worker had been feeding her boss incorrect information about Natalie's performance and was worried about her survival at her company, and here she is less than six weeks later with what is considered a big promotion at her company. I am so proud of her for working hard there and receiving the recognition that is long overdue.
We were talking yesterday in the car about how blown away we both were by God's goodness to us. Why has God chosen us to receive all of these blessings? What does he want us to do with what he's given us? Where is he leading us professionally and financially? These are amazing questions to ask, and very humbling at the same time too. I'm not really sure what He wants from us and I cannot wait to find out. His provision amazes me and all I can say is thank you.