My man mattgrace spoke of consistency in a guest blog on some friend of his site. There are number of things that remain unchanged in this world are indeed few, and unfortunately a staple of our society has been forced to change. Everyone who's anyone knows that Ed should be, and always has been, on at 7:00 CST on Wednesday nights. Well all that changed when one Donald Trump decided he wanted his own reality show and he wanted Ed's time slot. Ed has now been banished to the 7:00 CST Friday night slot. Once before NBC folks tried moving dear Ed for a few shows, the viewers remained faithful and NBC corrected the err of their ways this year when Ed began again, on its regularly scheduled night, WEDNESDAY. Well The Apprentice is now showing on Wednesdays at 7:00 CST and if you can't tell I'm not thrilled. Will I still watch Ed, do I have any other choice, of course not. Will I gripe about losing out on the time slot, to a show executive produced by the critically acclaimed, award winning, and well respected...Donald Trump? You better believe I'll be griping, freaking Trump thinks just cause he owns 1/2 of NYC and has some disgustingly gaudy apartment he can do whatever he wants, well not on this blog, on this blog you are just another man Don.
Don't forget to watch Ed on its new night...7:00 CST...Fridays, for now! I'm
If you don't think this is cool, you suck. Big ups to matt george.
Listened to Andrew Peterson’s first disk on the way to work this morning. If it’s been a while since you’ve listened to this, or if you don’t have it, you are truly missing out. I don’t know if there is a CD, song for song that speaks to me like that one does. Every song just goes right to the heart and always seems to apply, no matter where I am in life. The only other guy I know who does that to me is my main man MPJ, if I was going to a desert island and had three CDs, they’d definitely be, MPJ’s brown cd, Peterson’s brown cd and Appetite for Destruction by GNR (always gotta have some rock ‘n roll). Honorable mention in the island cd category to the Counting Crows, Bon Jovi, Blessid Union of Souls and Frank Sinatra. Oh and for all of those who aren’t cool enough to know MPJ by initials, it’s Matthew Perryman Jones, if you haven’t heard of him, well I’m truly sorry.
So anyways for the three or four of you that read this, your world is soon to be rocked courtesy of my boy Matt George. That’s right fresh look for the freshest blog I write, big deal if it’s the only one I write.
I must update the situation on the work front since I discuss it so frequently; things are looking up. Not only am I getting more and more stuff to do at my current job, the prospect of a new job is growing greater and great. I will feel a little sad when I walk out of here for the last time, but by the time I leave the parking lot I’ll probably be over all that. I have been in contact again with my main contact at my potential new employer and the situation is great. I emailed him this morning and I’m eagerly anticipating his response.
Props to MLK on this, his day. I know I’m a white guy from the Boulder (i.e. limited diversity) and I have about zero clue what it’s like to be a minority fighting an up-hill battle from day one, but I also know that battle would be even greater for those who do have to fight it without MLK. I love everything I’ve ever read about him and I know it’ll be an awesome time kickin’ it with him in heaven whenever I get there. I appreciate his patience with those who needed time to learn, I love the grace he showed to those who definitely didn’t deserve it, and I love the confidence he projected in his messages. Hopefully since they gave you your own day here everyone at least takes one millisecond to think about all the things you did for us – Thanks Bra.
I’m out…so too will this old school looking blog very soon….af