Yesterday my boss, who is truly a great boss, gave me an unlimited lunch. I didn't have any work to do, she didn't have any to give me, so she just cut me loose and said as long as I was back by my 3:00 appointment I could take the afternoon to myself. It was wonderful. I went to my church's office, hung out with a couple of friends there. A friend and I then proceeded to the high school where we spent some time with some high school folks and then we ourselves went to a delightful southern restaurant where they claim to put the "south in your mouth". I'm not sure if I've got the south in my mouth, but I love eating there. After lunch I went home, saw my dog, played some video games and rolled back into work about 2:30, with plenty of time to set up for my 3:00 appointment. What a wonderful day!
Today hasn't been good as day as one that involves such a splendid lunch hour, but today I had the privilege of eating with my wife, so that was pretty cool. She is awesome, she is funny, I'm crazy about her.
The Boss is on the radio at my work right now singing "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" if that song doesn't get you going, you really must have problems, I mean what is better than Bruce caroling away?
We had a decorating contest at work for our cubicles, mine is fully decorated in the spirit of everyone's favorite holiday at the end of December, Festivus. I've got a pole, a donation box for the human fund, a phone to air your grievances into, and even a replica of the very sign Cosmo Kramer toted outside the bagel shop denouncing bagels, and promoting Festivus. I also have a comment posted about how the "Feats of Strength" is an essential part to Festivus, but it won't be occurring at my Festivus booth in order to maintain a safe and professional work place.
Well I've just bought more gifts for people for Christmas, it seems like the money just goes away around Christmas time, but I only have one more small gift to buy for someone and I'm all done, which is a relief. The only problem with that one small gift, I have no idea what to get the dude. He is a friend of mine who I drew as a secret Santa, but I've got no clue, and I mean no clue, what I'm going to buy him. I don't want to cop out and go for the gift certificate, but I'm really struggling to find something he'll like and use and appreciate, I suppose we'll see what I come up with, I've got until tomorrow at 7:00 when we exchange gifts.
Well I'm bloggered out and I've got some internet tinkering to do before my next
First off, I’m married, and it’s great. Life always seems to better there than here. While right now, here is better than there, wherever there is. Here is great! I have a beautiful wife, who is so much more than a wife she is a friend. She is someone who gets me, which if you are reading this, you probably know me, and know that there is a lot to get. I am not unique it my hard to get to know-ness, I think we are all like that, and I think most of us like the fact that there is some mystery to us all. It’s like the more of the mysteries of one’s self that you reveal to another, the more that person is in the know. I suppose that is why getting sold out hurts so bad, because they have been let in the know, and they violated that trust.
For our honeymoon we went to Malta, what a cool place. I don’t know if I could live there, but I could definitely visit regularly. Because of my parents time-share we were able to stay in a five-star hotel and we paid for the whole week what about 1.5 nights would have cost us otherwise, so that was a nice little savings. We also had a layover in London on the way to and from Malta from the US. They weren’t your standard two or three hour layovers; they were 8 hours on the way there, and overnight on the way home. I was so blessed by those two days because I am in the midst of a wicked UK obsession. I would love to move there, at least part of me thinks that, but I don’t know if I could ever pull the trigger on that. Especially now that I have a wife to look after, a wife who doesn’t particularly get that excited about moving thousands of miles away from her parents, I don’t know if that’s a move that’ll happen, but it’s always there to think about while I’m sitting here at work.
Work, i.e. my thorn, hasn’t been too bad lately; then again, isn’t everything better at Christmas. I know that is terribly worldly and secular, but it’s also true. While all those who believe consider this sacred time for what we consider the right reasons, it’s also nice to have everyone around you in a holiday cheery mood; it’s just makes life easier. I love that part of Christmas, the part where people are nicer to one another and everyone truly does make an effort to make the world a better place. It gives me validation to try and make the world a better place everyday, and not just during the run up to Christmas.
I also think I’ve finally come up with an idea that will actually work for writing a book, and hopefully I have enough oomph inside of me to get the thing done. I’ve heard that everyone has one good book inside of him or her, for some reason I feel like I’ve got a lot more than one book, but we’ll see. I’ve been thinking I could write one for a while now, we’ll see if I can actually make this happen. The support that Natalie gives to me on projects like these is unbelievable. Her belief that if I want to I could truly do anything is remarkable. I mean you hear people tell you that, or you hear it on those “The More You Know” commercials on NBC, but to have someone in your life who truly believes that about you, it’s wicked powerful, no doubt about it. I hope that I can be that to her, and to other people as well.
Well I feel like I’ve got about a million more things to write, perhaps that is a sign I should stop while I’m ahead, if I’m ahead at all and anyone is still reading this. I’m not quite sure who reads this, and that’s good. I like the anonymity of my blog, with no comments section I have no clue who’s reading and perhaps you don’t know me who’s writing, what a crazy concept…I’m out…af
P.S. the Nuggets lost this weekend, which sucks, Broncos won so they are still in the playoff hunt, USC got screwed, and A-Rod is going to Boston. Oh yeah and another Arsenal player got a red card in English Soccer, what a great sports weekend.